The Creator Hero Quest
Gamifying social training. One quest at a time…With a  twist of Nerd
Are you brave enough...

To join us as we embark on a quest to discover your social hero?

Do you have some tactical social media strategy but your soul needs saving from the many pitfalls you are falling into and you are tired of not seeing results?

Do you have the desire to transform demand generation via your social presence? 

If you answered YES, to any of these, then this quest is for you...

Be warned though, this fable is not for the forlorn or faint of heart.

This quest will take you to new unchartered lands, where you will discover the mysterious artefact of social, that will empower you to discover your digital voice and unleash your digital hero. 

A power like no other...

Many a weary mortal are attempting to delve into digital with no real idea, don't be blinded by the overwhelm you might feel, seek the answers within, as we take you on this 18 week quest to find your true social hero. 

Our Next Quest Begins Tuesday 5th September 2023
The Quest includes

With a combination of 9 hand-on virtual classroom sessions and group mentoring over an 18 week period, with additional accountability packs, we focus on equipping you with the right mindset by unpacking, discovering, showing up, creating a community and sparking your inner creative. 

18 weeks of support from your fellow creator heroes 

9 Live Training Modules 

9 Live Q&A Clinics 

9 Side Quests and Accountability

Journey to the mystical land of social, claim your personal brand and fight vicious trolls (real life ones) in order to claim the mighty gift of your digital voice.

Your Quest Steps
Once completed you’ll become the greatest social hero the world has ever seen…
The quest will empower you to

Become a better creator and wield the power of creative magic (a deadly weapon in the right hands). 

Own your digital voice, which will enable you to create deeper levels of trust. 

Be the stand out hero in your sector and the dragon slayer of choice. People will flock to your banner. 

Discover who you are and what you’re capable of (that’s why we call it a hero's journey).

Be empowered with the skills, strategy and knowledge to maintain your social networks and create revenue.


The Sack Of Accountability

After purchase, you will gain instant access to The Creator Hero Quest Vault where The Sack Of Accountability lies. 

The Sack ensures you are ready to embark on the quest and keeps you accountable throughout. 

This is the place where all your side quests are stored, ready for you to enhance and really get the most out of your journey.

Is this for you?
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  • I'm looking to increase my visibility, grow my pipeline and generate sales conversations, what in the Quest will help with this?
    All modules of the quest will impact this. We have seen results from our previous warriors within a few weeks of embarking on the Quest when they apply and give it 100%
  • I'm looking to increase my skills to close the digital divide, will the Quest help with this?
    The Quest will instil life long social skills for you to apply to your business and future team.
  • Will the Quest help me to own the digital presence in my sector?
    The world is changing and having a digital presence is now required to stand out and be noticed in what is fast becoming a crowded environment. Early adoption of the skills and strategy that we are sharing with you will help you be seen as a leader in your sector.
Why Group Training?


Support from your peers

Testing your content 

Networking opportunities

The group setting will enable you to find your voice in a supportive environment and creates more networking and sales opportunities with the added accountability from your peers.

What our Hero's say
Amy M
One Happy Elf 

"The Hero Quest is challenging and rewarding all in one. We're all in it together and it has formed a real friendship bond that will persist beyond the course.  Thank you Hero Quest for leading me through the burning gates into a new and exciting land of opportunities!"

Alistair D
One Happy Wizard   

"There are many ways to skin a cat so I am told, but there are also many many experts on the band wagon of social media success and social selling, many don’t really have a clue. We all know business is easy, it’s just down to the amount of effort you put in, if you want to take on a social quest then talk to Nick."

Loran S
One Happy Warrior 

"Nick's course has been a revelation for me. Having wanted to do social media 'properly', I was delighted to find a course that would take me from newbie to confident. More than that, I was most pleased to find a course that I felt wasn't spammy or salesy like so many others appear to be. Nick's training feels like the right and proper way to do it. The end result for me has been that I am finally doing what I have wanted to do for so long. It feels great and it is getting results. I am so looking forward to seeing where this takes me. Watch out world!"

Are you ready?

Our next Quest begins on Tuesday 5th March 2024 with an intro to the team and then straight into Chapter 1.

Sign up today to secure your seat at the creator table, with a structured payment plan. 

Spaces are limited. 

Virtual 2.5-hour workshops and 1.5-hour group sessions will be sent after signing up, but we aim to run every Tuesday between  12 pm - 2.30pm.

The Creator Hero Quest£0

Start your quest!

Your physical address (we need this to send you some mystical items)

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    £245 (+VAT) Deposit today then 3 x £750 (+VAT) each month over 3 months3x £750.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    The Creator Hero March Group (£2495.00 + VAT) £2495.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


If after 18 weeks of heroic training you're not happy. 

We'll refund your payment in full. 

No questions asked.

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Creator Hero Quest£0

All prices in GBP
